Thursday, January 13, 2011

Finished First Semester at Pepperdine Law

This is my very first post to the new blog and my first blog post as a first year law student!  Exciting, no?

But everything has to have a purpose.  If I am to take the time to write it, it has to benefit me in some way, and if you are to read it, well it in some way should benefit you too (or at least keep you from being bored out of your minds)!

First semester is history, and I have just started back second semester, which at Pepperdine is even more intense than the first semester, since it involves an extra class, Criminal Law.

What is the concept behind this blog?  Well, it basically for me is an outlet.  I can write and rant and rave and pretty much say anything I want.  Hey, it's America, and I have rights!  (And I'm a law student, so I know those rights!)

Why "thumbs" though? What the hell does that mean?  The idea is simple.   I would like to give thumbs up and down on goings on at school, cases I read, political events, religious debates, personalities, or whatever else I want to comment on.   If I find other students who want to blog with me, we can increase the number of thumbs and present the world a taste of Pepperdine Law's diversity.  Would be kind of cool to get a pretty diverse group of Pepperdine Law students on here and battle it out... kind of like thumb wrestling!  My original thought was to find four other students who want to blog on here, which would be ten thumbs... to go along with the expression denoting clumsiness.  What are first year law students if not young people who are clumsily trying to figure out how to "think like a lawyer" and how to take exams? We're all thumbs... so an appropriate name.

It's also nice that I can be anonymous on here if I want to be.  I may eventually give my name, but for now I'm shielded by the cloak of anonymity... something that I believe is one of the greatest (and most horrific) features of internet communications.  I should have enough courage to let the world know who I am, right?  If I don't, I risk being unfair in my criticisms, because nobody can hold me accountable.  If I do, however, I CANNOT be unfair in my criticisms, which is my right. ;) (or is it?)

More later on who I am and what I am interested in.  For now, I have to READ!!!!!!!!

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